About SysteoPlus®
Survey data showed that organizations employing their typical PM approach would meet or exceed the organization’s quality standards 93% of the time; deliver within the project scope 92% of the time; and result in meeting or exceeding the projected business benefits of the project 89% of the time. Poor estimates (time and schedule) are the root cause of project under-performance, which as almost doubled between 2004 and 2012 (from 17% to 32%). Poor estimates, lack of executive sponsorship, poorly defined goal and objectives, and insufficient resources contribute to 53% of project under-performance. In North America, the Middle East and South America, the PMBOK is the standard of choice for more than 95% of the organizations.
The increase in business benefit is estimated at 20% for organizations using a methodology. – 1 PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 2012
At BEVA, we understand this. BEVA has changed the way organizations do business. Through effort and innovation BEVA has been able to provide our clients with the opportunity to make changes in their organizations and to achieve greater success.
Become SysteoPlus® Certified!
What is impossible to do today but, if it could be done, would fundamentally change the way you do business? – Joel Barker
Systeo, from the Greek to assemble, is a system to review how organizations apply knowledge, skills and techniques to achieve defined objectives and to assist in the development and integration of best practices using recognized standards in the delivery of projects to achieve business goals. SysteoPlus® will benchmark your organization and provide you with a reference on which to build and measure your increased efficiency. SysteoPlus® can pinpoint specific areas for improvement or look at the “global” organization. SysteoPlus® certification demonstrates your ability to deliver projects successfully. SysteoPlus® is more than a quality assurance system. It assembles all the processes of an organization into one efficient system. Whether you are a government department, or a non-profit government agency, or a public or private company, you can benefit from using SysteoPlus®. SysteoPlus® has been designed and developed by BEVA’s expert consultants, project managers and instructors.
The SysteoPlus® Structure
What better solution than to streamline existing processes and practices to ensure the work to be performed can be done with the resources you currently have? SysteoPlus®, our unique system, is a combination of various components, which together will lead to an efficient Enterprise Project Management System (E.P.M.S.).
OD, SPP, and GRCM Assessment
This is the initial building block. This is where we benchmark your present level of maturity by assessing the Organizational Direction, the Standards, Procedures and Practices, the Governance, Risk and Compliance Management and Project Delivery.
Your input will provide both quantitative and qualitative information. It will identify anomalies and will identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. Through this diagnostic we will be able to analyze your data and set the current level of capacity of your organization.
Our consultants have the expertise to recommend the best options. Remember that BEVA Global Management is a PMI-registered consulting firm, comprised of a group of consultants with experience that can assist you. You will then have to decide whether or not you will move forward.
Those that do, experience a minimum of 20% increase in their success rate. – 2PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 2012
The framework will identify the elements that will make up the system and provide a standardized approach to your process and procedures. As a PMI-registered consulting firm, we will provide our framework which closely resembles the project management standard. It will be up to the organization to determine how some or all of the elements should be implemented to achieve the greatest benefit.
It is the role of the project team is to establish a governance structure. We will work with you to establish a decision-rights and how it applies to the process. The responsibility assignment matrix will be clearly defined and delegated. Once the governance structure is in place, the next step is to look at the information at hand and develop an implementation plan.
Implementation plan
The implementation plan provides all the necessary steps to achieve the goal of having a new or improved E.P.M.S. The plan will to operationalize the framework in your organization and include a detailed outline of the tasks required to reach the maturity level you’ve set.
When new business processes are introduced or enhanced, the organization needs to train its people. You can’t expect someone to be functional when a process has just been changed. People need to understand why the process changed, the policies behind it, and the benefits it brings to the organization as a whole.
At this point, it becomes essential to anchor the E.P.M.S. In change management, we call it “freezing.” The organization can then apply performance measurements to see if the new processes produce a positive outcome. It will certainly make validation a lot easier. It is to be remembered that positive outcome usually does not appear overnight. It may take some time before the positive outcome is noticeable. It all depends which process is affected.
Assess Compliance
The last module of the SysteoPlus® is compliance. This is where we review your compliance to your E.P.M.S.
1 PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 2012 2 PwC 15th Annual Global CEO Survey 2012