Executive Staffing
Our consultants have extensive experience in Executive staffing in the federal government. Working with clients up to the Deputy Minister level, our consultants will provide end-to-end staffing support services for competitive processes at the EX-01 to EX-05 levels. This includes:
- Developing assessment questions and answers for written exams and interviews;
- Screening applications;
- Assessing executive exams;
- Conducting informal discussions with candidates screened out of a process providing detailed feedback to candidates and tips for improving results in future processes.
- Conducting 360 degree reference checks involving supervisors, peers and subordinates.
Over the years, our consultants have successfully guided clients through many competitive processes at the executive level. They provide strategic advice to clients and work closely with departmental Executive HR Advisors to ensure successful and seamless processes.
We invite you to contact us for a more a detailed discussion about how we can help you with your particular requirements.