Business Succession Panning
Do you need experts to develop a Business Succession Plan?
Our resources have been recruited for their leading-edge management knowledge and skills. They are selected, not only for their expertise, but also for having worked in the area of the mandate assigned to them. In this way, we believe that our experts are better able to understand the working environment and respond with their sound advice to the real needs of the client.
Businesses that are looking for a solid succession plan can depend on BEVA® expertise. Our associates have many years of experience in meeting with clients to develop a succession plan that one can follow and implement. We can facilitate your process, prepare your succession plan that will meet your needs to transition your business over to a family member, or to your employees or external buyer at the best price.
The following is what we can offer in terms of our succession planning and implementation.
• Defining Corporate Estate Planning – Succession
• Lay the groundwork for developing a succession plan.
• Points of tension
• Choose an exit strategy
• Transfer of the company
• Select successors and prepare them to take over
• Define and use SWOT analysis to set goals.
• Other resources: Analyze and monitor finances
• Other resources: Business valuation and its saleability